A year and a day since the publication of his third children’s picture book, A Zoo In My Shoe, Jason returned to his biggest local event – the East Finchley Festival – to share all three of his books with families enjoying a summer’s afternoon at Cherry Tree Wood.

With the main stage at one end of the park, the community stage at the other and a range of local craft and food stalls in between, Jason was one of the authors sharing his books in the Storytelling Tent, in an area dedicated to children’s activites.

With most of the children at the first sitting being of pre-school age, he began with What Can You See?, introducing younger book lovers to the world around them through simple rhyme. The visit to the beach and the bathroom – as is often the case – were the best received.

But with a half-hour slot to fill, there was time for a second sitting of slightly older children, who were prepared for more of a rhyming challenge – and the idea of swimming in a cup of tea or drinking an apple tree – from I Like To Put Food In My Welly – and a pizza covered in four types of fleas – from A Zoo In My Shoe got the laughing out aloud.

The last time Jason read at this event, he was previewing A Zoo In My Shoe, so it was fitting to return to mark the book’s first anniversary.

“It’s always good to see the reaction of children hearing the books for the first time,” Jason enthused, concluding, “And doing it at such a welcoming and varied event is such a privilege.”

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