Jason Korsner’s first two children’s books have officially been launched at an event at Waterstones at Brent Cross Shopping Centre in northwest London.

What Can You See? – a gentle rhyming book to introduce infants to the world around them – and I Like To Put Food In My Welly – a cheeky rhyming book that shows slightly older children how they can have fun by playing around with language, were formally let loose with a reading and signing session.
The illustrators of the books, Hannah Rounding and Max Low, recorded videos for the event, giving an insight into the way they work and how they delivered the perfect pictures for Jason’s words.

While most of those who bought copies had come for the launch event, a number of books were sold to other customers, intrigued by the antics at the back of the store.
The bookshop said the number of sales were high for a first-time author’s book launch so they’d keep copies in stock to use for future story-telling sessions at the branch, so keep an eye out for future events.
Lessons learned for future events:
- Try to keep the kids away from other author’s books or they’ll ask you to sign one of them. I came literally within an inch of signing The Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet.
- Sharpies go through the paper. Apologies to anyone whose books were purchased and signed before we realised this.
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